
Delivery Unit CFNR
Implementing Unit SFFG
Program Title
Project Title Sustainable Mangroves through Innovations and Livelihood Enhancement Promoting Growth and Climate Resilience (SMILE-Growth)
Status Ongoing
Banner Program
Extension Category
Project Leader (SN, FN, MI) Gevaña, Dixon T.
Project Staff (SN, FN, MI)
Training Courses (non-degree and non-credit) No
Technical/Advisory Service for external clients No
Information Dissemination/Communication through mass media No
Consultancy for external clients No
Community Outreach No
Technology or Knowledge Transfer to target users No
Organizing such as symposium, forum, exhibit, performance, conference No
Academic Degree Programs of the Unit beneficiary(s) No
Scope of Work
Project Duration (months) 0
Project Duration (in days) 0
Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY) 01/01/1970
End Date (MM/DD/YYYY) 01/01/1970
Target Beneficiary Group
Number of Target Beneficiary Groups/Persons Served 0
Fund Source (Majority Share) National (Government)
Funding Type GAA
Funding Agency DOST PCAARRD
Project Cost 2428836
Supporting Evidence/s