Ongoing Research

Delivery UnitCFNR
Contributing UnitSFFG;IRNR;INREM
Program Title
Project TitlePayment for Ecosysytem Services Outcome for Sustainable Water Provision (R4D: PESO SWaP) in Barobbob Watershed, Nueva Vizcaya
Project StatusOngoing
Banner ProgramWatershed and Ecosystem
AGORAResilience and Sustainability
Project LeaderMendoza, Marlo D.
Project StaffPulhin, Juan M.;Palmiery, FQ;de Luna, Catherine C.;Predo, Canesio D.;Dida, Jan Joseph V.;etal.
Project Duration12
Start Date2022-10-16
End Date2023-10-15
Project Cost
Fund SourceNational (Government)
Funding AgencyDOST PCAARRD
Funding TypeGAA
Supporting Evidences