Ongoing Research

Delivery UnitCFNR
Program Title
Project TitleInstitutionalization of Guidelines on Watershed Integrated Area Land Use Planning Towards Resiliency (WILUP)
Project StatusOngoing
Banner ProgramWatershed and Ecosystem
AGORAResilience and Sustainability
Project LeaderCarandang, Vida Q.
Project StaffCruz, Rex Victor O.;Balatibat, Juancho B.;Carandang, Wilfredo M.;Castillo, Manuel L.;de Luna, Catherine C.;Galang, Marco A.;Mendoza, Marlo D.;Reyes, Tomas D. Jr.;Sabino, Lorena L.;etal.
CollaboratorsDOST PCAARRD
Project Duration24
Start Date2021-10-15
End Date2023-10-16
Project Cost
Fund SourceNational (Government)
Funding AgencyDOST PCAARRD
Funding TypeGAA
Supporting Evidences