
Delivery UnitCFNR
Contributing UnitIRNR
Title of Research Program/Project/Work
Title of PublicationUsing Rose’and Manning’s Equations to Spatially Quantify Soil Erosion in Lagawe River Sub-Watershed, Ifugao, Philippines
Type of Publication
Name of Author and Co-AuthorsBato, Victorino;Paningbatan Jr, Eduardo;Ella, Victor;Alcantara, Antonio;Cruz, Rex Victor;Sanchez, Pearl
Date Published or Accepted for Publication)6/1/2021
Name of Journal/Book/Conference Publication/Other PublicationJournal of Environmental Science and Management
Name of Publisher
Type of PublisherLearned Society and Association
Location of PublisherLocal
Name of Editor/s
Volume No. and Issue No.24-1: 45-55
ISBN or ISSNISSN 0119-1144
Web of Science (ISI)
Elsevier's Scopus
Elsevier's ScienceDirect
CHED Recognized Journal
Other Reputable DatabaseOther Reputable Database
Supporting Evidence(s) - Proof of Publication
Number of Citations
Supporting Evidence(s) - Proof of Utilization