
Delivery UnitCFNR
Contributing Unit
Title of Research Program/Project/Work
Title of PublicationComparison of the Diversity of Nepenthaceae, Orchidaceae and Zingiberaceae in Disturbed and Undisturbed Forests in Johor, Malaysia
Type of Publication
Name of Author and Co-AuthorsVinod Kumar Sivarajah;Linatoc, Alona C.
Date Published or Accepted for Publication)05/02/2022
Name of Journal/Book/Conference Publication/Other PublicationProceedings of the 7th International Conference on Biological Science (ICBS 2021)
Name of Publisher
Type of Publisher
Location of Publisher
Name of Editor/s
Volume No. and Issue No.
ISBN or ISSN2468-5747
Web of Science (ISI)
Elsevier's Scopus
Elsevier's ScienceDirect
CHED Recognized Journal
Other Reputable DatabaseOther Reputable Database
Supporting Evidence(s) - Proof of Publication
Number of Citations
Supporting Evidence(s) - Proof of Utilization