
Delivery UnitCFNR
Contributing UnitDSFFG, IRNR, OCREL
Title of Research Program/Project/Work
Title of PublicationChapter 2: Participatory Climate Change Adaptation Using Watershed Approach: Processes and Lessons from the Philippines
Type of PublicationChapter in a book
Name of Author and Co-AuthorsPulhin J.M., Tapia-Villamayor M.A., Garcia J.E., De Luna, C.C.,Cruz, R.V.O., Pulhin, F.B., and Ramirez, M.A.M.
Date Published or Accepted for Publication)0000-00-00
Name of Journal/Book/Conference Publication/Other PublicationInterlocal Adaptations to Climate Change in East and Southeast Asia
Name of PublisherSpringer Nature
Type of PublisherBook
Location of PublisherSwitzerland
Name of Editor/sT. Ito et al.
Volume No. and Issue No.
ISBN or ISSNISBN 978-3-030-81207-2
Web of Science (ISI)
Elsevier's Scopus
Elsevier's ScienceDirect
CHED Recognized Journal
Other Reputable Database
Supporting Evidence(s) - Proof of Publication
Number of Citations2
Supporting Evidence(s) - Proof of Utilization