
Delivery UnitCFNR
Contributing UnitFDC
Title of Research Program/Project/Work
Title of PublicationCarbon storage and sequestration potential of aboveground biomass of African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) in three plantation sites in Visayas and Mindanao, Philippines
Type of PublicationJournal Article
Name of Author and Co-AuthorsPulhin, Florencia B.;Peria, Aileen S.
Date Published or Accepted for Publication)2021-04-01
Name of Journal/Book/Conference Publication/Other PublicationEcosystems and Development Journal
Name of PublisherUPLB College of Forestry and Natural Resources
Type of PublisherLocal Publisher
Location of PublisherLos Banos, Laguna
Name of Editor/sDr. Rex Victor O. Cruz
Volume No. and Issue No.Vol 19, Nos 1 & 2
ISBN or ISSNISSN 2782-8824
Web of Science (ISI)N/A
Elsevier's ScopusN/A
Elsevier's ScienceDirectN/A
CHED Recognized JournalN/A
Other Reputable DatabaseOther Reputable Database
Supporting Evidence(s) - Proof of Publication;N/A
Number of CitationsN/A
Supporting Evidence(s) - Proof of Utilization